Friday, September 9, 2011

Why am I blogging, you ask

I know that I am asking myself that same question.  I never thought of myself as much of a blogger.  I've always admired those who blog...throwing out your ideas, beliefs and life for the entire world to view.

So why am I blogging?  About six weeks ago I suffered one of the greatest tragedies for a mom.  At 8 months pregnant, I suddenly found out that I had lost my baby girl, Desi Elise.  I will go in to all the details in later posts but the past few days I have been feeling this tug on my heart from God to get it all out.  All of the grief, pain and frustrations.  And I felt that he was calling me to blog about it. 

This is a safe place for me to share my experiences, mainly for my own healing, but also as a place for friends and family to keep up with what is going on.  I am so good at putting on a strong face for the world but inside I am dying.  I don't want people to pity me, I just want everyone to know where I am emotionally and that I am not as strong as I appear on the outside.

I also hope that this blog can help encourage the all too many mothers who know and share this pain and grief with me.  If this blog can encourage one other mother, or make her feel a little more normal, then it is well worth putting my own grief down in written form.

I hope that you will all bear with me through this crazy ride.  I have good days and bad but I will always be honest with how I am feeling at that moment and hope that God will continue to work in my heart to bring something beautiful out of these ashes.

Please pray for me and my family as we continue on this dark journey of our lives.  Prayers, support and kind words are what we really need now!

And so begins Desi's Song...


  1. Much, much love...and many prayers that the Lord would use this for your healing and for His glory! We love you! Mom & Dad

  2. That was beautifully said! Love you so much!!!

  3. Meagan, you know that I am praying for you everyday still, and I am so excited that you have started a blog! I am like you...never have thought I would blog (and currently still don't), but I admire those who do. I really think this will be great for you and a tool to help in the healing process. You can bet I will read every word you write! Love and Hugs! ~Lori

  4. I wished I had your mother’s way with words. Her words are like calligraphy and mine are like a kindergartener learning to print.

    You are a lot stronger than you think. As women we often sell ourselves short. So many women out there would have fallen completely apart. But not you. You thought of a little boy who needed to celebrate his birthday by having a party. You did not fall apart. You did not say he won't know it's not his birthday if we celebrate later. You did not fall apart. You are starting a blog to help other women get through their grief as you get through yours. It takes a very strong woman to do these things. Just because you have bad days doesn't mean you are not strong.

    I look forward to reading your blog. I hope it gives you everything you need.


  5. I think this will be a good get out what needs to get out at that moment...I actually started my blog to share my feelings and loss as well but since I was embarking on a law suit at that time I was advised by my attorney not to put anything down in, I didn't get say some of things I needed to say at a time when I needed someone to talk too and when know one was there at that moment to listen....listening is key....Know I'm always here for you and love you very much...I feel that the tears I shed today for your loss will bring up my own feelings of loss as you share your feelings...but unfortunatly that is now a part of my story, as it will be yours...hugs, love and prayers to you and yours.

  6. Arms of Hugs and Love you so much!! Many many prayers for you all the time the Lord will bring healing and better days. I know Desi Song will be an encouragement and blessing. God bless you this journey.
